Saturday, March 21, 2009

Puppy breath

You forget how a little puppy has what I call "puppy breath" as you get older. My Lucy, a bit of a Heinz 57 dog managed to get pregnant. She gave birth during the Ice Storm of 2009 the end of January. What? She couldn't pick another day to go into labor?? I know she couldn't help it but we had lost all power, as well as the entire western part of Kentucky. Freezing temps = freezing me! So we had a very long week. Lucy's dog house was located under a big bush that helped to provide her shade during the summer. It was covered in ice so heavy that the branches hung down surrounding her house. She and the pups were okay. I think it helped to create a barrier between her and the high winds that immediately followed the ice. Enough already! All in all, we ended up with four puppies. I am still trying to locate homes for all of them. I have one taker so far and some "maybes". They are so cute and fat!! I picked up the one that I lovingly call "fatty". That's because he is! He just licked my chin when he got near my face. And then I smelled his little puppy breath. I had forgotten about puppies and how wonderful they are! They all come to greet me when I leave for work each morning. I am constantly looking to see where all the paws and tails are so I don't step on one. I'm attaching a picture to share. When you're having a bad day, puppies can be the best medicine EVER!!!

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